Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Getting out and doin it

So when i wake up in the morning i have all these good thoughts, i should do this, and i should do that. The amont of stuff i actually get done would only be about 15% of all the weeks - I should do this today.
Today i thought it would be really nice to go for a walk and stop at the pools on the way home, but after asking a few people, and no-one wanting to come i thought that there was no point in driving an hour to go and hung out on my own when i could just hung out with the kids on my own at home.
I am doing well having a big lunch and a little dinner, not so good on my eating breakfast. I just really hating making breakfast. What i should be doing is getting up with my partner and the kids and having breakfast with them. Maybe i need to get something real yummy for breakfast so that i want to get up and eat breakfast. - As i hate milk, breakfast and  i really dont match, for some reason i don't eat toast in the morning (i know i prob should).
I have thought that it would be nice go head into town tonight and take the kids to the park and have a pinic... Then we could go for a walk around the park (we have a really big park). So this walking thing is real pain too, just need to keep telling myself not to be so lazy if i wanna get back down to that wedding dress i want.

1 comment:

  1. Just keep thinking of that dress and how much you'd hate for me to be smaller than you on your wedding day!!!!
